Friday, March 26, 2010

course summary

By reading the skatesperian novel hamlet in a graphic novel rather then the play helped me visualize better. So because of what it helped me understand the play way better then when i read the play in the past. this part of the class really helped me alot from talking about it with my group members to looking at the pictures in the book to understand everything that was hard to understand when reading it in the skaespearing lauguage.

However i would change a few things about this section on the class. I would make every person in the class read the same book together and be in the same group. i think this owuld help everyone because there would be many different points of veiw so everyone would understand what was goiong on in the novel, and i do know for a fact the there was many people who didn't fully understand what was happening in there book. I also would have made us do less blogs, they were very time consuming.

So all in all I belive that this section in our class was very fun and a good learning expriance. There could have been a few minnor changes to make this better and more helpful and less confussing. But it was still a lot easyer and funner todo the reading the original play in his old hard writing style and no pictures. So I belive that this should be done in future classes but with a few minor changes.

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